Choose the next best step for your relationship...

Click below to see upcoming events and workshops

Part 1 of the workshop is suitable to attend if you are single, an individual coming alone, or a twosome in a relationship that matters to you – such as spouses, partners, family members, close friends, or business colleagues.

Part 2 is for twosomes and couples to take after they have completed Part 1. Part 2 takes place 6 weeks or more after Part 1 in another two-day workshop to co-design a relationship that is your unique creation.

Twosomes can register for Part 1 and 2 at the same time and save!

For those who are unable to arrange their schedule to attend one of our workshops, or who may be uncomfortable in exploring relationships with or among others, we offer customized coaching programs designed specifically for you to do the work and to gain the insights and practices required to transform your relationship.

Often in vacation settings, these workshops are about transforming common, everyday issues in relationships - e.g. money, intimacy, fear, love, family, priorities, etc. - into experiences of Extraordinary Relationship. Themes, topics and locations change each retreat. No two retreats are the same!

Part 1: The Real Deal

The Truth About Relationships

Workshops & Retreats

Discover the fundamental nature and design of human relationships in Part 1: The Real Deal, The Truth About Relationships, as you unveil what is operating unseen behind all the issues that arise in relationships, problems dissolve and disappear. You’re no longer caught up in the futility of fixing, tolerating, and ending relationships. Instead, you are ready to start creating and designing an extraordinary relationship.


Part 1 of the workshop is suitable to attend if you are single, an individual coming alone, or a twosome in a relationship that matters to you – such as spouses, partners, family members, close friends, or business colleagues.

Two-day workshop

Tuition: $497/person

Click Date & Location for details

Available Dates

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Jill Raguel, MF MFT

People go to therapy to fix something, but this body of work offers a place to go beyond that and helps invent extraordinary relationships. This work has given me peace and freedom! A willingness to share myself to my friends and family and also to the people I meet for the first time.”

Joseph Jacobs & Jen Schwartz

We both use distinctions in our work - Jen with clients and Joe with his team. We create mini-declarations/purposes all the time... One of the biggest work changes for us is that we took ownership of both of our businesses - not as individuals, but as a WE/TEAM. This allows us to problem solve together and create work environments in both businesses where we "create opportunities for people to thrive."

Dr. Elayna Fernandez, 4x TEDx Spezker

“Zach and Sierra facilitate a transformative experience that expands possibilities in every relationship. I loved the opportunity to expand my perspective and gain a new awareness that can help me BE in alignment of what I wish to create in my life.”

Part 2: The Real Deal

Creating Extraordinary Relationships

In Part 2: Creating Extraordinary Relationships, you will discover what differentiates an extraordinary relationship from a fantasy. You will challenge the limits of your imagination about what’s possible in a relationship. You will create a new context and design for your relationship, and you will co-design a relationship that is your couple’s unique creation.


Part 2 is for twosomes and couples to take after they have completed Part 1. Part 2 takes place 6 weeks or more after Part 1 in another two-day workshop to co-design a relationship that is your unique creation.

Twosomes can register for Part 1 and 2 at the same time and save!

Two-day workshop

Tuition: $497/person

Click Date & Location for details

Available Dates

October 12 & 13 - Seattle Vicinity


Tuition: $1987/couple

Tuition: $1497/couple SAVE $490!

Your choice of any Part 1 & Part 2 Options in 2024 or 2025. If a part 2 option is not available at the time of your registration, we will contact you to schedule for a future date.

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By completing a full series of

The Path to Extraordinary Relationship Workshop

you will be able to…


If anything, you will walk away knowing specific design features and anatomy of relationship.

YOU WILL REDISCOVER AND REVITALIZE YOUR INHERENT CAPACITY FOR BEING RELATED. Having the experience of being fully related lends an environment, such that what you have been dealing with, trying to fix, or area of ‘stuckness’ starts to dissolve and disappear.


Seeing, and being awake to the automatic way relationships go - provides the opportunity to make a difference in how your relationships go!


In a new paradigm of designing relationships, past roadblocks, and a clearing of issues, leaves room for creating extraordinary relationship.

Free Download

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Lovely Couple on the Beach, Traveling by Car

What people say...

Our relationship was dramatically transformed when we completed the workshop not only did we grow closer and gain a capacity to more closely see each other s point of view we gained tools that we use whenever we have conflict that make resolution easy and painless

Jen S. PhD, CFLE

Peace and freedom is the short answer but I gained many many things You will experience things you didn t know you needed Then wonder how you got so far without it

Seth H.

I loved that Zach Sierra guided us but we created the content This is a completely new and unique way to look at relationships not what I expected and that s a good thing Go in with an open mind and you will not be disappointed What stood out were taking typically sensitive topics that could spiral and making them light and more real to discuss

Chris & Nicole

Most relationship work I ve done to date was past focused This was not It was about understanding what a relationship is and how ordinary my experience is with relationships I learned more about relationships than I did over the last 20 years in therapy and counseling

Josh P.

For Graduates

Participants & graduates often come as repeat attendants for Part 1 and/or Part 2. For example, if they are in a new relationship, wanting a solo experience, entering a new chapter (honeymoon, parenthood, empty nesting, etc.), to refresh with their partner, build a stronger connection or build other relationships close to them (like attending with adult children, friends, siblings, etc.).

If this is you, you may attend Part 1 again with your partner at no cost to you or attend solo at a discounted rate. If your twosome/couple would like to attend Part 2 you must have attended Part 1 together within the last two years.

Please email us to receive your discount graduate code and what workshops you plan to complete.

Advanced Workshops & Retreats

2025 Vacations and Retreats are TBD - Sign up to be notified!


Pre-Requisites: The Path of Extraordinary Relationship

Coach/Leader considerations may be made for singles or individuals on a case by case basis dependent on retreat/topic.

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Other Opportunities/Webinars

Private Coaching Session

First Session is FREE


Book your first session for free or bundle and save!

Free Resources

Want a quick shot in the arm for your relationship? Download these guides, resources and books to start your journey.

These resources are great for individuals and couples to gain new insight for a struggling relationship or revitalize your current ones.

Make an impact - explore, create, and flourish in your relationships!

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